
Naturally, very different interest groups from various knowledge areas are involved into sometimes disruptive processes of shaping the future, entering them each from its own perspectives. But we are convinced that sustainable solutions can only be developed and implemented through a joint and cooperative approach to the problems of the future. It needs basic understanding of every stakeholder’s point of view. Without a doubt, the interconnections between all of them must be taken into account for suitable problem solutions.

Our events rely on the dialogue between the participants. We want to stimulate an open exchange of views so that all existing creative potential can be used. Empathy and the willingness to listen and help are the basic prerequisites for us to ensure that all the partners are optimally involved into the design processes. Regardless of whether it is about new product development, strategic technology issues, or social change, without understanding each other, there is a risk of aberrations and strategically wrong decisions.

This can only be prevented by dealing with the needs and positions of those who are either directly involved in the processes or who will be the users of what is developed as an idea, structure or product.

The realization of new ideas, the implementation of new concepts, the solution of open questions and the development of products needs acceptance. You can achieve this through an open discussion, which requires an appropriate environment. We therefore put great importance to the fact that our events take place in pleasant and familiar atmosphere where necessary space for cooperative creativity is given. Good ideas and sterile settings are often counterproductive.

We want to inspire you for new ideas and we want to offer your ideas what they deserve: a place where you can look at them from all sides to recognize their values.